Decaffeinated Coffee Beans (Decaf) Mexico El Triunfo [Medium-Deep Roast] 1kg
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[Specialty Coffee Beans]DECAF[Decaffeinated Coffee]
Mexico El Triunfo 1kg/bag
Medium-Deep Roast High Roast
Full-bodied ★★★☆☆☆☆
Acidity ★★☆☆☆☆☆
Sweetness ★★★★
If you think [decaffeinated] coffee lacks flavor, this is the coffee for you,
This decaffeinated coffee is made from Mexican coffee beans,
It has a cherry fruit flavor and a sweet texture like chocolate or molasses,
Although it is decaffeinated, you can still taste the coffee flavor.
It is made using the mountain water decaf process, a process that does not use any chemical solvents.
It is safe for mothers with infants and children.
How about a cup for customers who are concerned about caffeine?
Place of origin: Angel Albino Corso, State of Chiavas, Mexico
(Decaffeination plant is also located in Mexico)
Refining Method Free washed
Mountain Water Decaffeination Process