Freepeg for large dogs (mooring, dog anchor, dog pole)
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**Flexible pegs = hard to pull out! But strong pegs that are easy to pull out
[What is "FREEPEG"?
FREPEG is a screw-type peg consisting of a spiral shaft and a freely rotating hook.
Each peg is machined from a round bar and is six times more difficult to pull out than conventional pegs!
These pegs can be used to safely and securely tether even large dogs.
Most conventional products are for medium-sized dogs only, and are not strong enough for large dogs.
The FLEXPEG for dogs is flanged so that the shaft will not loosen even if it is pulled sideways.
It can move freely in 360 degrees and can be pulled with full force!
Size: 40 in diameter
Strength in the direction of pull out: 180 kg
Dedicated wrench size: 24
Insertion method
1. Dedicated wrench, hammer
2. Electric tool
3. Commercial wrench, hammer
Depending on the ground, insertion may stop halfway.
In this case, please drill a hole with a straight peg that is thinner than a flexible peg and insert the peg into the hole.