Fujizakura Organic green tea [High Grade] pouched
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[A generous blend of rare varieties]
This organic green tea is made by generously using Okumidori, a rare variety of green tea that is sometimes used as high-grade matcha and gyokuro. Enjoy this luxurious cup with its sweet, elegant flavor and refreshing aroma.
[Authentic taste even in a convenient tea bag.]
Brew the tea for about 1 minute with hot water at 65-70℃, and shake the tea bag several times to brew a tasty cup. It is recommended as a gift because it has an authentic taste as if brewed in a kyusu (teapot). This sencha offers a well-balanced taste with the natural flavor and rich aroma of tea leaves.
[Japanese tea from a farm that has received the Medal with Yellow Ribbon]
Fujizakura is made from organic tea leaves grown without the use of any pesticides.
It is a domestic organic Japanese tea made from tea leaves of Kitamura Seicha, which has been certified as JAS organic in Japan and has passed the strict standards for residual pesticides by the international testing, inspection, and certification organization [SGS], and has received numerous awards including the Medal with Yellow Ribbon.
[Our commitment to tea bags]
The tea bags, which can be enjoyed easily and conveniently anywhere without a teapot, are made of only plant-derived materials that are friendly to both people and the earth. Not only the filter part, but also the tag and string are made of biodegradable materials that return to nature.
[Reasonably priced, actually?]
Unlike most other tea bags, no harmful substances are detected in the carefully selected tea bags, which dissolve in boiling water. In addition, the tetra type allows for good extraction, so you can repeatedly enjoy a second or third cup with just one.