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Herbal Blends Refreshing Tea <Lemongrass & Ginger

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Contents: 8g (2g x 4 packets)


Country of origin: Germany, Thailand (may vary depending on season)
Ingredients: Lemongrass, ginger, lemon peel, licorice, spearmint


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    [Herbal Blend Refresh Tea is a herbal tea with the freshness of lemongrass and lemon peel and the spicy, fresh aroma of ginger. The refreshing taste of peppermint and the natural sweetness of licorice make it refreshing and easy to drink. Licorice aids digestion and reduces stress. Since it is caffeine-free, fragrance-free, and color-free, it is recommended for evening tea time when you want to reset and refresh your tired body and mind. The packaging uses German-made WECK bottles, which are loved by people around the world for their lovely design and high airtightness. Among them, the [KOUGLOF 140ml] used for this product is designed to resemble the KOUGLOF shape of a traditional European pastry with diagonal undulations, After use, it can be used for a variety of purposes, such as for storing cookies, etc., or as a mold for baked goods. *WECK-related products used in our products are licensed under a contract with Marks International, an authorized importer of WECK products.