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A fantastic additive-free ginger paste made by a ginger farmer.

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65 x 65 x 75mm


Kouchi (Kochi) prefecture (Shikoku)


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    Fresh ginger contains high levels of [gingerol], while dried or cooked ginger contains high levels of [gingerol]. Gingerol has bactericidal, antipyretic, and diaphoretic effects.
    When gingerol is heated, it is converted into gingerol. Gingerol increases blood flow to the gastrointestinal tract and makes the body warm from the inside out. This ginger paste is a paste made by boiling down ginger, so it contains a lot of [gingerol]. It may be a small amount, but it is an efficient way to consume ginger's power.
    The balance of spicy and sweet tastes is perfectly adjusted. You can use it on yogurt or cereal, spread it on toast, use it as a topping for miso soup or natto, or use it in any kind of Japanese or Western cuisine. It is made only with ginger grown naturally and without pesticides in the mountains of Shimanto, Kochi, and with millet sugar. Only the squeezed juice of the ginger is used and no water is added.
    It has a rich ginger flavor. It can be easily enjoyed by adding it to hot water, tea, or soda water. It is also easy to use by adding a little to meat seasoning such as ginger yaki or simmered dishes.