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Shinshu apple chips (XAXA PREIMUM TREATS)* Limited time offer (October~March)

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Package size (zipper top + zipper bottom x bag width) mm: 140 mm x (32 + 200) mm
Weight: 20g


Shelf life and expiration date
1 year from manufacture
Storage requirements
Store in a cool, dark place. After opening, store in a refrigerator and feed as soon as possible.
Country/Region of manufacture
Apple (San Fuji)


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    Luxurious chips made from thinly sliced and slowly dried Shinshu-grown San Fuji apples. These natural snacks are packed with the natural sweetness and aroma of apples. Rich in dietary fiber, they help to regulate the tummy. A healthy treat with a fun crunchy texture.

    Our Commitment to Making Snacks
    Blessings of nature from Shinshu for your dog.
    Nagano Prefecture is surrounded by mountains 3,000 meters high. Our treats, born in this magnificent natural environment, are a harmony of nature's blessings and the skill of our creators. Beyond the mountain range on the package, you will find our thoughts and feelings.

    Mountain cherry blossoms in spring, Kamikochi in summer, autumn leaves in fall, and snowy mountains in winter. The colors of the four seasons woven by the mountains of Shinshu are reflected in the package.

    These handmade snacks are made without any additives such as preservatives, and are safe and secure. Please give your dog the real taste that spreads with every bite.