[N COFFEE FACTORY]Standard Blend (coffee beans) 1kg
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[N COFFEE FACTORY]Standard Blend 1kg
Please choose your favorite blend from the following 3 standard blends we offer
Please choose your favorite blend from the following three standard blends we offer.
1. T Blend
(Fruity Blend)(Tea/Tomo)
[I want people who don't like the bitterness of coffee to be able to enjoy it! I want people who don't like bitter coffee to enjoy this blend.]
This medium roasted blend was created with this in mind.
You can feel the gorgeous flavor of black tea and pleasant fruity acidity.
2. n blend
(Natural blend (N coffee・Natural)
The base of our coffee.
It is a medium to deep roasted blend with a good balance of richness, acidity and sweetness.
3. m blend
(Bitter Blend)(Mukonoso Morning)
This blend was created with the image of Mukonoso, a green town with flowing water. It is best drunk in the morning to energize you for the day with a refreshing aftertaste. It is our popular medium to deep roast blend with a perfect balance of richness and sweetness.
It is also recommended for café au lait and iced coffee.