■ 所有運往美國的食品和飲料都需要購買者提供FDA 註冊號碼。
沒有 FDA 註冊號碼或無法與我們分享的買家將無法下訂單。
■ 依國家的不同,可能無法運送。訂購前請檢查您所在國家/地區的規定。來自無法出貨地區的訂單將被取消。
快點,只有2 件有貨!
Why don't you enjoy a new life with eco-friendly bags and use them with love for a long time?
Sasaki Selm, a fabric professional rooted in Bishu, one of the major woolen textile production areas, has developed a concept of "eco-bags that create the future of fabrics and the earth", sewn at a local factory.
BENTO is an eco-bag that was born from a customer's comment, "It is difficult to find an eco-bag with a large gusset that I can use when I buy lunch at a convenience store or a supermarket! This eco-bag was born out of the cry of "There are not many eco-bags with large gussets that can be used when buying lunch at a convenience store or supermarket!
It can be folded compactly with the attached string.
The fabrics are linen and polyester.
The natural texture of linen is retained, while polyester covers the disadvantage of linen, which tends to wrinkle easily.