Tenugui Hand Towel [Fireflies in the Grass Flora] Blue × Neon Yellow
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It represents fireflies flying in the grass.
When the tenugui is unfolded, fireflies are seen flying away all at once.
When folded, the fireflies emit a pale light as they quietly rest their wings.
The design is such that different views come to mind when you use it in different ways.
It can be used in place of a handkerchief, or wrapped around the head or neck,
or wrap small objects such as bottles, or display it in your room as a tapestry.
It can be used for a wide range of purposes.
Because it is handmade, there may be some blotting or blurring depending on the product.
Please understand in advance. Please understand this beforehand.
* The ends of the tenugui are left uncut.
The ends of the tenugui will fray as it is used, but the fraying will stop halfway through the process.
The fraying will stop halfway through.
Size: 35 cm x 90 cm, 100% cotton