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Underquilt: 95cm x 120cm
Pad: 70cm x 120cm
■Side fabric: Grafted jersey knit (material also used for baby's underwear) 100% cotton
Padding: 100% wool (from France)
Machine washable at home. (Hand wash mode and tumble dry are strictly prohibited.)
■Please use the pad on top of a futon or mattress.
Use the pad on top of a mattress or futon.
This support bedding optimizes the sleeping environment for babies, who are said to sweat more than adults, and contributes to their healthy growth by providing them with a good night's sleep.
Medical research has shown that wool improves sleep patterns, resulting in increased weight gain and satisfaction in infants.
Many studies have also shown that placing infants in wool bedding tends to decrease the likelihood of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Overheating is considered an important factor in many SIDS, and the ability to regulate heat and humidity in the sleeping area makes a compelling and sufficient argument for the use of wool bedding.
Various studies have shown that placing infants directly on wool bedding results in decreased activity, deeper sleep, and faster growth rates.
Wool's fire resistance (flame retardancy) helps keep children safe.
Wool requires very high temperatures to ignite and higher oxygen levels to sustain a flame in the atmosphere.
Wool never melts, meaning that what would melt and stick to your skin with petroleum-based synthetic fibers does not happen with wool.
And it contains natural flame retardants, meaning that even if wool catches fire, it tends to self-extinguish when flames are kept away from it.
We highly recommend this product for parents and grandparents who truly want their children to grow up healthy and happy.