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[Raising the Temperature of the Heart] 8 drip bags (in a large bag)

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Country of origin of green beans: Brazil, Guatemala
Roasted beans origin: Amagasaki, Hyogo, Japan
Green bean producing countries:Guatemala, Indonesia
Roasted beans made in Amagasaki, Hyogo, Japan
Country of origin of green beans:Ethiopia, Colombia
Roasted beans origin: Amagasaki, Hyogo, Japan


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  • 快點,只有10 件有貨!
> We pack 8 drip bags made from our home-roasted beans into one large bag. (Each drip bag is not individually wrapped. ) The price is a bargain for this reason. Please consume as soon as possible) You can choose the contents from our 3 blends. However, all 8 bags will be the same blend. T blend (floral blend) N Blend (Natural Blend) M Blend (Bitter Blend) *12 g of powder per bag (each bag contains 12 g of powder!)  The filter part of the cup is shaped like a heart,  The filter part of the cup is heart-shaped, which prevents the filter from being soaked. Please allow one week for delivery after receiving your order, as each product is individually handmade.