■ 所有運往美國的食品和飲料都需要購買者提供FDA 註冊號碼。
沒有 FDA 註冊號碼或無法與我們分享的買家將無法下訂單。
■ 依國家的不同,可能無法運送。訂購前請檢查您所在國家/地區的規定。來自無法出貨地區的訂單將被取消。
Warmer days are increasing, but it is still chilly season.
This fabric is perfect for such a season.
Initials (numbers available) and free initials are available.
*Paid initials (numbers) are available from size М due to the size.
*If you wish to have paid initials, please purchase the paid initial option on a separate page.
*Free initials are available for all sizes.
*Please contact us with the message function for the following information.
Size order...Yes/No (Please let us know the breed and neck size)
Initials...Free / Charged / No (Please let us know the letters you want.)
The image is button type L size.
Please refer to the size with initials.
Color: 3 colors (navy/gray/orange)
Folded design button type (two-step adjustable)
*Can be changed to arched button type or adjustable type
*We recommend you to choose a size with a little room considering where you want to wear it on your neck and the amount of hair you have.
*You can specify the length and neck circumference.
*We also accept orders other than the above (the price remains the same).
Estimated shipping time: 5 business days
(We are closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and national holidays.)
*Please note that the shipping date may vary depending on the order status.
*Please note that the product may be sold out without notice. Please understand that the product may be sold out without notice.