Sea Dinosaur T-Shirt (Kids & Big Silhouette)/AT302-21
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快點,只有20 件有貨!
The coolest sea dinosaur T-shirts are now available... ♪
All dinosaurs are paired or family.
(Elasmosaurus is separated from the others, but it is a family image)
Available in a wide range of sizes from S~XL, with children's sizes available from 100cm tall.
The adult size [Big Silhouette T-shirt] is a form that fits snugly on the shoulders.
The sleeves are made longer, and this T-shirt is well known for its cozy look with just one piece.
(It is suitable for both women and men.)
===== How to order =====
Price is for one piece only.
You can choose your size from the variations.
When ordering multiple pieces of different sizes, please select each one.
*Additional charge of 1,980 yen (including tax) will be added for big silhouettes only.
===== Details =====
Manufacturer:United Athle
Color:White only
Material:100% cotton, semi-coma yarn
Thickness: 5.6 oz.
(Firm and thick fabric, strong enough to stretch around the neck)
Manufacturer:United Athle
Size:Big silhouette S, M, L
Color:White only
Material:100% cotton, semi-coma yarn
(As with kids' sizes, this fabric is firm and thick)