Sharan. ~Remaining wind~ [ Resin non-hole pierced earrings / Clip-on earrings / Titanium pierced earrings / Resin pierced earrings ]
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2024 September series
[Remaining winds of summer]
Softly lock in the memories of summer,
and shimmering in the quiet air.
Looking forward together with the wind toward the next season.
A gradation of clear and blue, as if the summer blue is slightly carried by the wind.
The entire piece, of course,
the gradation is created in each of the six parts as well as the whole.
the gradient is created in each of the six parts as well as the entire piece.
You can choose from four types of metal fittings: Clip-on earrings, resin non-hole pierced earrings, titanium pierced earrings, and resin pierced earrings.
Pierced titanium earrings, and pierced resin earrings.
The design is simple and elegant, yet not conventional.
These are the accessories that polish up your fashionable adult look.
Shipping: Usually ships within 10 days.