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Dinosaur Letter Set / Monotone (AT034-21)

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  • 快點,只有20 件有貨!

Monotone dinosaur letter set.
Now even more convenient with original address stickers!
The envelopes are now made of thicker paper for greater stability!

The simple one-stroke handwriting is utilized to create a retro vintage look,
The retro vintage taste is achieved by making the most of the simple stroke of the letter.

It is hard to tell from the photo, but the cream-colored letter paper is perfect for fall and winter.
It is hard to see in the photo, but the cream-colored letterheads are perfect for fall and winter.
The calm design is recommended for letters between adults.

The following will appear
and Brachiosaurus.

 Size: A5 size
 Number of sheets: 8 (4 sheets x 2 designs)
 Paper quality: High-quality paper (about the thickness of a 10,000 yen bill)
 *Printed by a printing company

 Size: Western 2
 Number of sheets: 3
 Paper: First Vintage Yellow Ochre 56kg
 *After printing by laser printer in our store,
  After printing by our laser printer, each envelope is carefully handmade one by one.

Envelopes are handmade.
We will ship your order in a thick, sturdy envelope to prevent folding.