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Rubber Neck Coin Case [71001].

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SIZE: W8cm H5cm D1.7cm


MATERIAL:soft vinyl
Made In China


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It will be a neck case with a rubber coin case with a color code threaded through it. The coin case is printed with the message [have a good one! and a message is printed on the coin case.

It is a case that will be useful when you leave your valuables at CAMP, FES, beach, public bath, sauna, etc,,,outdoor and leisure scenes, and you want to take some coins with you just in case.

It is also a convenient item that can be worn around the neck as an accent to a simple coordinate. As the message "have a good one! (Have a good day!), we want you to enjoy your outing! This item was planned with the director's wish to "have a good one!

It is a neck case that can be carried around like a sundry item, something that has not seemed possible until now!
We recommend this item not only for yourself, but also as a small gift.

The rubber material of the coin case part is made of water-resistant soft vinyl, and the colorful strings are made of high quality paracord from a factory in the U.S. that is officially certified by the U.S. government as Mil-Spec compliant.

The paracord used is 425 Tactical Cord with a diameter of approximately 3mm and a load capacity of 425 pounds (approx. 190kg), which is a very tough paracord compliant with Mil-spec.