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[W06M] Transmotif Silver W Transformation Ring - M Size - 1 piece

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Maximum outer diameter: approx. 22 mm, width from top to bottom of upper and lower rings: approx. 6.5 mm.


Made of 925 silver.
Matte finish, not coated. [Made in Japan].


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    The top and bottom circles transform into hexagons, and the 12 surrounding circles transform into squares, the W-transformation ring, size M. Size M. Fits approximately 19. Men's size. TRANSMOTIF is the world's first illlusional accessory that transforms the shape correspond with the view angle. It is developed by Dr. Kokichi SUGIHARA, Meiji Univ. who is the world champion of The Best Illusion of the Year Contest. [W06M] The top and bottom rings change from Circle to Hexagon. Also the side 12 rings change from Circle to Square. Japan Standard approx. #19 size (Men's size), made of Silver925, matte finish, NO coating/plating, MADE IN JAPAN