Shipping Process with Orosy

Our marketplace connects you with a variety of independent brands.
Here’s how the shipping process works with orosy:

1. Place Your Order
When you place an order, the payment for the products is processed through Shopify.

2. Delivery to orosy Warehouse
The brands ship their products to orosy’s contracted warehouse in Tokyo.

3. Inspection and Repackaging
After the products arrive, they undergo inspection and repackaging. The international shipping cost is then determined.

4. Shipping Invoice and Payment
We will send you an invoice for the confirmed international shipping fee, which you can pay through Shopify.

5. Shipment to Buyer
After payment, your order will be shipped from the warehouse directly to you.



Shipping Costs with orosy

The estimated shipping fees are calculated based on orosy’s international shipping rate.
Please refer to the orosy shipping rate card below (in US dollars per kilogram).

  • The shipping fees are calculated based on the actual and volumetric weight of your order.
  • Chargeable weight over 0.1 kg will be rounded to the next whole kilogram.
  • For example, a 5.1 kg order shipping from Japan to Hong Kong will cost approximately $57.19.


Estimated International Shipping Rates