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iisazy towel

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Body size 350mm x 350mm
Body weight 27g


100% cotton (shusu weave)

Country of Origin Japan (Imabari City, Ehime Prefecture)


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    Moist and smooth "cotton comfort" towels

    [This towel has a soft touch, absorbs water quickly, and dries quickly.

    This towel can be used comfortably in a wide range of situations by everyone from babies to the elderly.

    It can be used as a mouth wipe during meals or as a napkin to prevent spills from soiling your clothes.

    This set of iisazy cutlery (spoon/fork) and chopsticks is also recommended as a gift.


    To live is to eat

    Nekojitadou provides an opportunity to regain the joy of eating through cutlery developed by a group of friends who have experienced cancer. Through the community, we update the world with the new value of peer-made products (designed by friends who share the same problems and challenges) from the perspective of those who have been affected by cancer. To live life to the fullest in the everyday life that goes on forever.

    Commitment to Our Products
    Our Mission
    ~To live is to eat

    To create a world where people who have problems with eating can live their lives in their own way
    to a world where people with eating problems can live their lives in their own way.

    Our vision is to transmit the viewpoints that we have realized only because we have been involved in the problem as a new value
    [We will transmit the viewpoints that we have realized only because we are involved in the issue as a new value of "peer-made" (design by people who have the same problems and issues),
    We will update society.

    Perspectives born from experience
    [We draw out perspectives from experiences where things we thought were "obvious" are no longer "obvious,
    We update the world by drawing out perspectives from our experience and transforming them into products and services.

    Connection is power
    [By creating opportunities for people to feel that they are not alone, connections are created,
    By creating opportunities for people to feel that they are not alone, we bring out the power to make choices that allow each person to live their own life.

    From Peer Made to New Value
    [Through "peer-made" services, we will work together with you to realize a society where people do not have to give up no matter what their circumstances,
    We will work together with everyone to realize a society where people do not have to give up no matter what their circumstances.

    Nekkodo Founder
    Atsuo Shibata Atsuko Shibata
    She has worked as a nurse for 24 years. 2014, she was diagnosed with parotid cancer (adenoid cystic carcinoma) and experienced surgery and chemoradiotherapy. Through these experiences, she realized the barrier of eating. She also learned that interaction with others in the same situation can be a source of support for living. She decided to start her own business to support the idea that "to live is to eat, and to eat is to live. I would like to update society with the values I have realized through my cancer experience.