Every Shoulder Bag [32003].
■ 所有運往美國的食品和飲料都需要購買者提供FDA 註冊號碼。
沒有 FDA 註冊號碼或無法與我們分享的買家將無法下訂單。
■ 依國家的不同,可能無法運送。訂購前請檢查您所在國家/地區的規定。來自無法出貨地區的訂單將被取消。
This fabric combines the natural texture of cotton with the water repellency and quick-drying properties of synthetic fibers. It is a highly functional material that combines the best of both cotton and synthetic fibers.
Originally intended for apparel, this fabric was not suitable for bags due to its thinness. The backing gives the fabric a thickness and elasticity suitable for sewing bags.
The slightly matte and fine twill texture is utilized to create a simple bag with a classic feel. The large front pocket can be used for quick access to items, and the mini pocket inside the front pocket is convenient for storing smartphones and other items or organizing them in the pockets.
The size is just right for a long wallet, water bottle, etc., and the colon shape makes it an easy-to-use shoulder bag that can be worn with any attire.
The interior is covered with DEOSUNNY, a deodorant name that can be used to eliminate odors. The design was created to blend naturally with the bag's interior.
Everyday=everyday, everytime=everytime, everybody=everybody, everywhere=everywhere, etc.,,,,etc. We named this series "EVERY" in the sense that you can use it in your daily life in the context of "EVERY". Everyday = everyday
Please use it in various ways, such as for men and women, for couples, for parents and children, etc!