Collection: 8KNOT

More than jam. Next-level jam.

We created our cordial jam with the idea of reimagining what jam could be. 
People can enjoy our jam in many ways and with many cuisines, without being 
constrained by traditional ideas.


We use our only the finest seasonal fruit, spices, and herbs. 
Our artisans take those ingredients and craft them into a new type of jam. 
The synergy between our ingredients and our artisans creates a harmony that 
feeds both the mind and body.

1. Our ingredients come directly from Japanese farmers, ensuring that products are 
pure and meet high standards.

2. Our  jams  are  simple,  with  a  gentle  sweetness.  They  contain  no  additives, 
coloring, or refined sugar. 

3. Our suppliers do not use pesticides or chemical fertilizers.

4. Our jams are zero-waste. All food by-products from production are composted 
and returned to the soil.

We strive to protect and preserve Japan’s culinary and agricultural traditions for 
future generations to enjoy.

In August 2021, we started 8KNOT after witnessing wasteful, modern 
farming methods in Kikugawa City, Shizuoka Prefecture. A farmer there 
told us that he could not continue using the same techniques, and that “at 
this rate, my farm will only last another 10 years.” This inspired us to create 
products that use agricultural by-products to reduce waste as much as 
We hope that this one, small step contributes to creating a virtuous cycle 
in our society.

More than jam. Next-level jam.

We created our cordial jam with the idea of reimagining what jam could be. 
People can enjoy our jam in many ways and with many cuisines, without being 
constrained by traditional ideas.


We use our only the finest seasonal fruit, spices, and herbs. 
Our artisans take those ingredients and craft them into a new type of jam. 
The synergy between our ingredients and our artisans creates a harmony that 
feeds both the mind and body.

1. Our ingredients come directly from Japanese farmers, ensuring that products are 
pure and meet high standards.

2. Our  jams  are  simple,  with  a  gentle  sweetness.  They  contain  no  additives, 
coloring, or refined sugar. 

3. Our suppliers do not use pesticides or chemical fertilizers.

4. Our jams are zero-waste. All food by-products from production are composted 
and returned to the soil.

We strive to protect and preserve Japan’s culinary and agricultural traditions for 
future generations to enjoy.

In August 2021, we started 8KNOT after witnessing wasteful, modern 
farming methods in Kikugawa City, Shizuoka Prefecture. A farmer there 
told us that he could not continue using the same techniques, and that “at 
this rate, my farm will only last another 10 years.” This inspired us to create 
products that use agricultural by-products to reduce waste as much as 
We hope that this one, small step contributes to creating a virtuous cycle 
in our society.

Price: $0 — $15.20
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